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Impact on prices

Leavitt and Bolduc and Sununu say the state should be involved with women’s health decisions, except when it’s time to lower drug prices. They also claim that inflation is due to the Democrats. That’s false. Prices are higher because our economy is dependent on oil and natural gas. The ...

Elections are fair

I’ve been voting for over 50 years. Sometimes my preferred candidates have won, sometimes they’ve lost. That’s how it goes in a democracy. Sometimes I’m in the minority of voters, sometimes in the majority. I do my best to support my preferred candidates, but at times I’ve had to take ...

Who’ll tame inflation?

Inflation is on everyone’s mind as we go to the polls – Republicans are pushing the (unfounded) lie that it’s all Joe Biden’s fault, and if you vote Republican, everything will be fixed! Nothing could be further from the truth. What will the Republican do to solve inflation? NOTHING ...

Vote Republican

If you care about life, liberty, faith, family, freedom, truth, a sound economy, national security, energy independence, government overspending, preserving our Constitutional Republic, ridding our schools of wickedness and holding people accountable for their crimes ... please vote Republican ...

Republicans will work for the people

There you go again Ray (Raymond Guarino, October 23, 2022) making me laugh with your funny visual interpretation of me “hopelessly flailing away swinging wildly.” I haven’t swung my arms like that since dancing the jive in my dancing days. Gosh, I had so much fun then. Try to stick to the ...

Shared values

Every election is important and said to be the most consequential of all time. However, I do feel this is especially true about this Nov. 8 midterm election. If we aren’t careful who we elect we are in danger of losing our democracy and the freedoms we so cherish. For example, there are those ...